Disclaimer: This website makes use of sponsored and/or affiliate links. Please see this page for more information. I’m up next in the Worldwide Artist Blog Hop! Artists from around the world are answering 4 fun questions about our fields and inviting more artists to do the same. I was invited by the lovely and talented crocheter of The Country Willow, Sherianne. We met in a Crochet Blogger Facebook Group, where all of us have become close friends and get together to show each other support. Be sure to check out Sherianne’s Blog Hop here. Now onto the questions... 1) Why do I do what I do? I do what I do because I absolutely love it! It makes me happy, it makes others happy, it brings out the little girl in me, and I get to spend lots of time creating beautiful things. What more could I possibly ask for? ![]() 2) How does my work differ from others of it’s genre? My focus is on crochet toys, in particular fashion doll clothes and accessories. While there are others who create crochet doll clothes out there, I like to make my designs really unique, versatile, fun, and most importantly, customizable. I love variety, and I know that is what many of you are looking for too. Also, I know of many lovely people who wish they could be designers, and with many of my patterns they can be! 3) How does my creative process work? Sometimes, I feel like my creative process is all over the place. I am constantly getting new ideas from everywhere I look and everything I crochet. My mind is always thinking of new things. I really wish I could work as quickly as my brain thinks. Anyways, back to the actual question... First, I get an idea... Then, with hook and yarn at hand, that idea slowly, or sometimes quickly, turns into something tangible. I will usually focus on the moment and I only think about one row at a time, but there are times when I see more rows, so I will write them down as I think of them. Sometimes, a bit of trial and error is involved, but very soon afterwards, a brand new creation is finished and a new idea is born... ![]() 4) What am I working on now? I always have so many projects on the go! Right now, I have been switching back and forth between my Newsletter Freebie Lady and Gentlemen Patterns, my Fashion Doll Mermaids, and a Secret Whimsical Project that I am sure you will all love! I also need to get started on another Loopy Snuggle Bunny for an order today. There you have it! Now I invite my friends, Mad Crochet Scientist of Mad Crochet Lab, Sedie of Yarn Obsession, and Heather of Creative Crochet Products, to do the same... I would love to hear your answers to any of the 4 questions above! So be sure to leave me a comment below... UPDATE 1 - October 29, 2014: Sedruola's Blog Hop is Live! See it here...
UPDATE 2 - November 1, 2014: Mad's Blog Hop is Live! See it here... ![]() Hello Visitor and Welcome to Rebeckah's Treasures... I am a Norwegian/Canadian currently studying Midwifery in the UK. I love to crochet! At Rebeckah's Treasures, I share my crochet patterns and treasures. I hope they inspire you to crochet your own little treasures too... ![]()
Hello, my name is Rebeckah.
I hope my crochet inspires you to create your very own treasures! Learn more about me... Categories
October 2021
© 2012-2021 Rebeckah Ferger
All rights reserved. Disclaimer: This website makes use of sponsored and/or affiliate links. Please see this page for more information.