Who’s ready for Rebeckah’s Treasures’ first CAL? Join me as we crochet this adorable amigurumi Timothy Turtle, who likes having a good time and making you smile!
He may be slow to the party, but he’s super quick to whip up because his arms and legs are attached as you crochet the body. Even if you decide you would rather sew the limbs on later, he still works up fast due to all the fun tips and helpful suggestions for marking placement. Inspired from Sharon Ojala’s Little Bigfoot Turtle, this little guy is twice as tall when using worsted weight yarn (approx. 12” or 30cm tall) and the same height when using cotton thread #10 (approx. 5” or 12.7cm tall). Use your favourite yarn and matching hook size to create your perfect turtle. Make both turtles for a fun turtle family!
I'm hunting for our favourite animal patterns and now I'm ready to show you all the pretty Ladybug Crochet Patterns I've found...
You'll see all sorts of creative ladybug toys, softies, hats and other fun accessories. Make them for you, your friends, and everyone you know who loves Ladybugs! Have you heard? I'm getting ready to host my first ever crochet-a-longs (CALs)! I've been wanting to do this with you for such a long time, and I have finally found a really fun way we can do them with this 3 adorable amigurumis.
Also, thanks to all of your amazing suggestions, each of these animals have new names. Fans who contributed to the winning names will be receiving the free version of the PDF's for the animal(s) they named. Continue reading below to see when each of these CALs will begin and discover their names...
I'm hunting for our favourite animal patterns and now I'm ready to show you all the super cuddly Polar Bear Crochet Patterns I've found...
You'll see all sorts of creative polar bear toys, softies, hats and other fun accessories. Make them for you, your friends, and everyone you know who loves Polar Bears!
I'm hunting for our favourite animal patterns and now I'm ready to show you all the super adorable Penguin Crochet Patterns I've found...
You'll see all sorts of creative penguin toys, softies, hats and other fun accessories. Make them for you, your friends, and everyone you know who loves Penguins! What's that, another giveaway?
Yes! My friend Cheryl over at Home made hats is celebrating 20,000 facebook followers and I am sponsoring this prize for one of her winners...
Did you win a prize or two in my 5000 FB Fan Appreciation Giveaway? Continue reading to find out now and check out the specials I have this week for all of you too.
I'm hunting for our favourite animal patterns and now I'm ready to show you all the enchanting Horse, Pony and Unicorn Crochet Patterns I've found...
You'll see all sorts of creative and magical toys, softies, hats and other fun accessories for horses, ponies and unicorns. Make them for you, your friends, and everyone you know who loves these magnificent beasts! |
Hello, my name is Rebeckah.
I hope my crochet inspires you to create your very own treasures! Learn more about me... Categories
October 2021
© 2012-2021 Rebeckah Ferger
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