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Are you looking for another beautiful afghan square to add to your home decor project? Why not try this gorgeous textured Ocean Twist Square!
This is my very first ever afghan square design, and I am so excited to share it with you!
As many of you know, my main focus is on toys, doll clothes and accessories, but for fun, I thought I would get out of my comfort zone and try something new. It all started in the summer, when I was asked if I would like to join The Mystery Lapghan CAL. The idea seemed extremely daunting for me, since I personally don't think I am very good at doing traditional crochet projects such as squares, doilies and such. However with a little encouragement, I decided to go for it. Unfortunately, my computer decided to go on vacation before I could complete the last details of this pattern and fix up the pictures. That meant, I wasn't able to share it as part of the CAL. I decided it would be fitting to share it with you as we end 2015. I hope you will enjoy this pattern and I look forward to seeing how you use it in your projects! *Update: The PDF version is now available below...
This pattern is copyrighted to Rebeckah Ferger of www.rebeckahstreasures.com. It is for personal use only. No part of this pattern may be copied or distributed in any way. If you sell what you make from thispattern, please credit me as the designer. All rights reserved, 2015.
Ocean Twist Square Instructions:
Working the Back Post Variation Stitch:
The back post variation stitch (BPV) is similar to a regular back post stitch in that it is worked behind the stitches, however, rather than working around the full post of the stitch below, it is only worked around the top of the stitch by inserting the hook into one stitch and coming out of the next stitch. In this pattern, this process acts as a decrease and creates a center point for the petal’s next rnd (rnd 2). You will use this stitch in the next rnd and again in rnd 5. BPV = Insert hook into the st sp of the first tr of the petal section from back to front, then insert into the st sp of next tr from front to back, you should have 2 sts on your hook – work a sc here (1 st).
As you work the next rnd, keep the ch-sps to the back of the petals...
rnd 2: [ch 3, BPV into tr sps from last rnd, ch 3, sl st into circle between petals] x 4, sl st join to first st of rnd (8 ch sps). *This rnd will be invisible from the RS and completely once the next rnd is finished. *If changing colours here, f/o and sc join next colour to any sc from last rnd (counts as the first sc in rnd 3)... *If sticking with the same colour, (sl st, ch 1, sl st) up the ch-3-sp to bring you level with the next rnd...
rnd 3: [sc in sc from last rnd, (dc 3, tr) in next ch-3-sp, (tr, dc 3) in next ch-3-sp] x 4, sl st join to first st of rnd (36 sts).
*If changing colours here, f/o and sl st join to first st from last rnd, continue to rnd 4... *If sticking with the same colour, just continue to rnd 4...
rnd 4: (ch 3, dc, tr 2, dc, ch 3, sl st) into sc from last rnd, [*sk 2 sts, sl st, sk 1 st, (sl st, ch 3, dc, tr 2, dc, ch 3, sl st) into sp between tr sts from last rnd, sk 2 sts, sl st, sk 1 st** (sl st, ch 3, dc, tr 2, dc, ch 3, sl st) into sc from last rnd] x 3, rep from * to **, sl st join to first st of rnd (8 petals).
As you work the next rnd, keep the ch-sps to the back of the petals...
rnd 5: [ch 3, BPV into tr sps from last rnd, ch 3, sl st into sl st between petals] x 8, sl st join to first st of rnd (16 ch sps). *This rnd will be invisible from the RS and completely once the next rnd is finished. *If changing colours here, f/o and sc join next colour to any sc from last rnd (counts as the first sc in rnd 6), continue to rnd 6... *If sticking with the same colour, (sl st, ch 1, sl st) up the ch-3-sp to bring you level with the next rnd, continue to rnd 6...
rnd 6: [sc in sc from last rnd, (sc, hdc 2, dc) in next ch-3-sp, sk 1 st, (tr, dc 3) in next ch-3-sp, sc in sc st from last rnd, (dc 3, tr) in next ch-3-sp, sk 1 st, (dc, hdc 2, sc) in next ch-3-sp] x 4, sl st join to first st of rnd (72 sts).
*If changing colours here, f/o and sl st join to first st from previous rnd, continue to rnd 7... *If sticking with the same colour, ch 1, and continue to rnd 7...
rnd 7: sc 6, [*sk 1 st, hdc, dc, (dc 2, tr 2, dc 2) in next st sp, dc, hdc, sk 1 st,** sc 11] x 3, rep from * to **, sc 5, sl st join to first st of rnd, ch 1, f/o, weave in all ends (84 sts).
Thanks a million to my wonderful testers Brisja R., Debra C., Margie E., Ramona K. Sarah L. and Sharon E. for testing this square pattern for me, and thank you to Teresa P. for tech editing this pattern on short notice. I truly appreciate each of you and your thorough work. Thank you!
Here's a look at their Ocean Twist Squares...
Thanks for visiting today! I hope 2016 brings you all the blessing and success you deserve.
Happy New Year! Hello Visitor and Welcome to Rebeckah's Treasures... I am a Norwegian/Canadian currently studying Midwifery in the UK. I love to crochet! At Rebeckah's Treasures, I share my crochet patterns and treasures. I hope they inspire you to crochet your own little treasures too...
Hello, my name is Rebeckah.
I hope my crochet inspires you to create your very own treasures! Learn more about me... Categories
October 2021
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