Disclaimer: This website makes use of sponsored and/or affiliate links. Please see this page for more information. Now that I have shared my Criss Cross Diamond crochet stitch tutorial with you, I can finally reveal the New Pattern Sneak Peek I shared with you last year! Introducing My Criss Cross Diamond Bible Cover... Over a year ago, I was looking at the poor condition the high-humid weather conditions were doing to the leather covering of my precious bible. It made me very sad to see it like that. I decided it would be only fitting to make a cover to protect it from further damage. It just so happened that I had some time on my hands as it was during the time my original computer had decided to take a long vacation. I started thinking about how I was going to make it... I wanted something simple, elegant and textured. That's when I remembered the crochet stitch I design several years ago and absolutely love. I just knew it would be perfect! I already knew that I was going to use this yummy purple thread because purple is my favourite colour. Plus, just look at how scrumptious this one is... I set to work by taking various measurements of my bible – height, width, depth etc. Once I had those measurements, I started crocheting! I worked around the clock for a couple weeks. Starting from the bottom of the bible and working my way up, I crocheted a huge rectangular piece that spanned the full width from the inside of one side, around the outside to the inside of the other side. I left the textured Criss Cross Diamond stitching to the outside of the cover only and kept the inner portions completely flat. Some frogging took place which was not fun, but it is all part of the designing process. Once I had completed my rectangular piece, I folded down the inner flap sections and crochet a simple edging around the whole border. All that remained was to create the zipper compartment so that I could close the cover completely. I worked around one side first, getting to to the right height. Then, I proceeded to do the same for the other side. Once this was done, I tacked down the edges and sewed on an invisible zipper. Don't you love how clean and seamless the invisible zipper looks? I know I do! I weaved in my ends and placed it on my bible right away. Success! At last, I finally have a simply beautiful and elegant cover to protect my precious bible from further harm and I absolutely love it! Now, I just need to decide on a name. I have two ideas so far:
However, if you have a better pattern name suggestion and I like it, I'll give you a copy of this pattern for free! Just leave your suggestion(s) below...
UPDATE - February 13, 2016: Rebeckah's Criss Cross Diamond Bible Cover crochet pattern is now available for a special release price of $3.49 for a limited time – that's 55% off!
Hello Visitor and Welcome to Rebeckah's Treasures... I am a Norwegian/Canadian currently studying Midwifery in the UK. I love to crochet! At Rebeckah's Treasures, I share my crochet patterns and treasures. I hope they inspire you to crochet your own little treasures too...
Hello, my name is Rebeckah.
I hope my crochet inspires you to create your very own treasures! Learn more about me... Categories
October 2021
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