Disclaimer: This website makes use of sponsored and/or affiliate links. Please see this page for more information. ![]() At last... the crochet pattern for fashion dolls you have all been waiting for is finally available for purchase! From wedding gowns to the runway, this pattern has everything you need to create the perfect dresses and tops for your 11½" fashion dolls! All you have to do is mix & match necklines with silhouettes, and you'll discover thousands of possibilities... BUY NOW HERE: "Happily Ever After" Crochet Pattern for Fashion Dolls. Learn more about this incredible design, the story behind it's journey, and discover some of the unique variations in store below... The Story Behind this DesignA few years back, I created two incredibly stunning wedding sets - one for each of my two youngest sisters (see Little Miss' Wedding Set or Boo Bear's Wedding Set). I absolutely adore both of them, and I couldn't wait to have a reason to make another one. So, when I was commissioned last year to make another (see Crochet Barbie Wedding Set for Isabel), I was beyond ecstatic! I had a wedding dress that I had started to work on before this that I thought would be perfect for her, but after making the bridesmaid dresses - each a high-low, but with different necklines - I got to thinking how much nicer it would be for the wedding dress to use the same stitching. Thus, the concept for this pattern was born. Now, I had been planning to make a barbie bride pattern ever since I started designing crochet patterns last year. So, when the commission inspired the idea to mix and match necklines and silhouettes, I just knew I had to do it... In January, I began researching different necklines and silhouettes, taking notes of all this. Then, I started playing around with crocheting the necklines. I knew from my notes that I would have anywhere from 16-20 necklines. However, nothing prepared me for the number of silhouette options I would uncover... I thought that I would have to repeat silhouettes to showcase all the necklines, and instead it ended up being the other way around! I officially started crocheting the dresses on Valentine's Day - how fitting, right? In that first week, I had crocheted 4 dresses (one was tweaked later) and was almost finished with a 5th. By the following week I had finished 4 more (again I ended up tweaking another one here). The next 2 high-low dresses took me much longer to design, and I ended up tweaking them some more too. Let's just say that a lot of "frogging" was involved with these. After those challenging dresses, I decided to give my brain a little break by crocheting 2 more A-Line dresses and 2 Ball Gowns. By the end of March, I had realized 18 of the 20 necklines, and I had finished the last 2 A-Line Dresses and 2 more Ball Gowns. A few days later, I rounded up all 18 dresses I had completed up to here. I was a girl on a mission in April! I finished 3 fun party dresses and the first Trumpet dress next. Shortly after that, I had 3 stylish wedding gowns with trains completed. I took about a week break from crocheting to start writing up the pattern. Apart from this, I also created two crochet stitch video tutorials that will come in handy for this pattern and many others... see Bobble of 2 and Cluster of 2. Next, I started tweaking 2 of the high-lows and the fishtail dresses. Right after that I whipped up 4 very fashionable dresses, and closed the month of April with the last 4 dresses plus 2 tops. All that remained was to finish up with the pattern, take the final pictures and edit them all into beautiful collages, create the listings and of course this post. And least I forget to mention, I also had 1 more crochet stitch tutorial to do for this pattern... see Invisible Decrease. It is so hard to believe that over 11 weeks have passed since I began this project, and that I crocheted 36 dresses and 2 tops in this time. Before I showcase all the designs below, I just want to say a huge THANK YOU to all of my wonderful fans for your support and patience throughout this time! It is for all of you that I do this. I know it wasn't easy to wait 4 long months for this pattern to be ready, but I am sure that you all will agree that it was definitely worth the wait. I look forward to seeing all your designs...
Column Dresses & TopsHere's just a small example of the tops & column dresses you can make with this crochet pattern. There are 7 suggested lengths - two are for tops, and the rest are for dresses - though there several stopping points in between each of these. This gives you 10 basic variations. Tops and column dresses can be made with a straight edge by ending on an even row, OR you can add a nice lacy trim by stopping after an odd row and continuing to the A-Line Silhouette or using whatever edging you prefer. These dresses can have either loose fit or snug fit.
As a pattern bonus, Fashion Doll's Panties are also included! After I finish working on a commission, I will start making free tutorials on how to make veils, tiaras and bouquets like I did for my wedding sets. Plus, later I will design a mix & match heels pattern. All this and more coming soon... Update: Free Wedding Accessory Patterns with Links are Ready...
What dress or top are you planning to crochet first? Share with me below...
![]() Hello Visitor and Welcome to Rebeckah's Treasures... I am a Norwegian/Canadian currently studying Midwifery in the UK. I love to crochet! At Rebeckah's Treasures, I share my crochet patterns and treasures. I hope they inspire you to crochet your own little treasures too... ![]()
Hello, my name is Rebeckah.
I hope my crochet inspires you to create your very own treasures! Learn more about me... Categories
October 2021
© 2012-2021 Rebeckah Ferger
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