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Welcome to Rebeckah's 20th Friday Features!
Get know your favourite designers and meet new ones too. Come see 3 pattern favourites, we all love, and get to know a little about this week's feature...
Coming to you on Fridays, I will share a new crochet/knit designer, a little blurb about them and three favourite pattern features from them too!
Pattern features are chosen thus - my favourite, designer's favourite and the most popular. You can view all of the latest Friday Feature spotlights here to get to know more designers. Without further ado, let me introduce you to this week's Friday Feature... Amanda Flock of Midnattsol Design
Amanda has been crocheting for 11 years and knitting for 9 years.
She loves crocheting and knitting because she loves making things! She further elaborates, "There is an awesome sense of accomplishment being able to take a ball of yarn and a hook or needles and create something functional or decorative." Her most favourite yarn to work with is Knit Picks Chroma. Amanda loves how the colors shift gradually, and she says, "The color options are beautiful!" Her favourite color is green, and she loves horror and sci fi movies, and video games. She also confesses, "I'm a huge Disney nerd." When she's not crocheting or knitting, she's playing with her 1 year old daughter, watching movies or working on other crafts. She shares with us, "I'm learning needle felting, spinning and weaving in my non-crochet/knit time."
My favourite design from Amanda is this pretty Snow Capped Beanie.
I just adore the use of fair isle knitting here!
Amanda's favourite design is this gorgeous Spiral Granny Tote.
I really love how she made the spirals!
Her most popular, fan-favourite design is stunning Sunrise Shall.
If I was picking my favourite first, this one would be mine too. It's absolutely breathtaking!
The first pattern feature is knit, and the last two pattern features are crochet!
All three pattern features are premium designs. Thank you Amanda for joining us for my 20th Friday Feature! I hope everyone here enjoyed getting to know you. It's been a pleasure, and I can't wait to see more of your designs soon. Which of Amanda's Designs is your favourite? Share with us below...
![]() Hello Visitor and Welcome to Rebeckah's Treasures... I am a Norwegian/Canadian currently studying Midwifery in the UK. I love to crochet! At Rebeckah's Treasures, I share my crochet patterns and treasures. I hope they inspire you to crochet your own little treasures too... ![]()
Hello, my name is Rebeckah.
I hope my crochet inspires you to create your very own treasures! Learn more about me... Categories
October 2021
© 2012-2021 Rebeckah Ferger
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