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Get ready to Fall into Christmas with an all NEW crochet contest!
Meet Your Contest Hostess!
Hello treasured friends and welcome to a brand new Fall into Christmas Crochet Contest!
For those of you, who don't know me, I'm Rebeckah, the designer behind Rebeckah's Treasures. I love designing crochet patterns that will make treasured heirloom gifts for family and friends. I absolutely love seeing your creativity, whether it's something you designed or were inspired to crochet from a pattern. That's why, last year, I decided the best way to celebrate my November birth month would be though an awesome crochet contest with a multitude fantabulous prizes! Fall into Christmas got it's name because this contest starts in the late fall and brings us straight through to the week before Christmas. I thought it was a fun play-on-words, don't you agree? Continue reading below to see how this crochet contest will work, learn a bit about the prizes I will be offering, meet my designer friends who are contributing prizes, and submit your projects today! Show your support & find my patterns here: Website | FREE | Shop | Ravelry | Craftsy Follow me here: Facebook | Google+ | Instagram | Pinterest | Twitter | YouTube How will this contest work?
This crochet contest will run over the course of 7 weeks, from today (October 30th) until Monday, December 19th, and will be broken down into two segments.
The first segment is for your submissions. It starts NOW and will last for 5 weeks, ending on Sunday, December 4th. This is when you get to submit your favourite THREE (3) crochet projects made in the last year as an entry or entries for this year's contest. Everything you've crocheted since November 2015 until now qualifies for this year's contest! The second segment is for the peer voting portion, which will last for 2 weeks, starting on Monday, December 5th and lasting though to the 19th. This is when you, your peers, family and friends will get to vote for your/their favourite entries each day. More entries = more votes per day!!! Finally, the votes will be tallied and all the winners (5 minimum) will be announced on Wednesday, December 21st - with prizes being sent out just in time for Christmas! How exciting, right? Back again to SUBMIT a project? Jump to the submissions section here... Tell Us About the Prizes!
I will be giving away mega prize packages including freebies of my premium crochet patterns, discounts to my shops, which winners can redeem right away and/or save for new pattern releases!
How many winners there are, and each prize package will be determined by how many entrants we receive in each category. The official prize packages will be announced when voting begins. Additionally, each entrant will receive a special Christmas surprise for their participation in the contest from my shop. The more entries you submit, the bigger your Christmas surprise will be! What's more, entrants submitting a treasured project made from one of my crochet patterns, will receive a 55% discount coupon for my shop to be used by January 31st, 2017!!! Meet the Designers & Companies Sponsoring Prizes!
In addition to the above prizes, each winner will receive additional prizes from four or more of these designers or companies too! So, without further ado, let me introduce you to 26 sponsors, all of whom have so graciously agreed to offer these fantastic prizes...
Red Heart has generously offered a $50 value yarn package for ONE contest winner!
~Only entrants within the USA, Canada & Mexico are eligiable for this prize~ ~Colorways of yarns pictured may differ~ Show your support & find Red Heart here: Website | Ravelry Follow Red Heart here: Facebook | Google+ | Instagram | Pinterest | Twitter | YouTube NEW: See Red Heart's Sponsor Spotlight Round Up here!
*Remaining sponsors are listed in alphabetical order by Business Name. All digital prizes are open worldwide.
Articles of a Domestic Goddess has generously offered 1 pattern for MULTIPLE contest winners!
Show your support & find her patterns here: Website | Ravelry | Etsy | Craftsy Follow her here: Facebook | Google+ | Instagram | LinkedIn | Pinterest | Twitter NEW: See Aritcles of a Domestic Goddess' Sponsor Spotlight Round Up here!
Country Willow Designs has generously offered 3 specific patterns for ONE contest winner!
Show your support & find her patterns here: Website | Ravelry Follow her here: Facebook | Google+ | Instagram | LinkedIn | Pinterest | Twitter
Cream of the Crop Crochet has generously offered 3 patterns for MULTIPLE contest winners!
Show your support & find her patterns here: Website | Ravelry | Etsy | Craftsy Follow her here: Facebook | Google+ | Instagram | Pinterest | Twitter NEW: See Cream of the Crop Crochet's Sponsor Spotlight Round Up here!
Creative Crochet Workshop has generously offered 2 individual patterns for ONE contest winner!
Show your support & find her patterns here: Website | Ravelry | Etsy Follow her here: Facebook | Google+ | Instagram | Pinterest | Twitter Plus, checkout Creative Crochet Workshop's Friday Feature here!!! NEW: See Creative Crochet Workshop's Sponsor Spotlight Round Up here!
Crochet Memories has generously offered 2 individual patterns for ONE contest winner!
Show your support & find her patterns here: Website | Blog | Etsy | Ravelry Follow her here: Facebook | Google+ | Instagram | Pinterest | Twitter Plus, checkout Crochet Memories' Friday Feature here!!! NEW: See Crochet Memories' Sponsor Spotlight Round Up here!
Dana Dee Crochet has generously offered 1 individual pattern for MULTIPLE contest winners!
Show your support & find her patterns here: Website | Ravelry Follow her here: Facebook | Instagram | Ravelry Plus, checkout Dana Dee Crochet's Friday Feature here!!!
Defy Society Arts has generously offered 1 individual pattern for MULTIPLE contest winners!
Show your support & find her patterns here: Etsy | Ravelry Follow her here: Facebook | Instagram | Pinterest | Twitter NEW: See Defy Society Art's Sponsor Spotlight Round Up here!
Divine Debris has generously offered 1 individual pattern for MULTIPLE contest winners!
Show your support & find her patterns here: Website | Ravelry | Craftsy Follow her here: Facebook | Instagram | Pinterest | Twitter Come back to see Divine Debris' Friday Feature on December 9th!!! NEW: See Divine Debris' Sponsor Spotlight Round Up here!
Dragonfly Dutchess has generously offered $5 off shop order for TWO contest winners!
~this equals 3-5 free metal or enamel stitch markers~ ~free US shipping to winner~ Follow, show your support & find her stitch markers here: Facebook | Website | Shop NEW: See Dragonfly Dutchess' Sponsor Spotlight Round Up here!
Fiber Doodles by K4TT has generously offered 1 individual pattern for MULTIPLE contest winners!
BONUS: Those who submit a Doodle pattern (project entry) will receive 10% discount on future purchase to use prior Jan 31st, 2017 good for any item in Fiber Doodles by K4TT's Ravelry Store!!! Show your support & find her patterns here: Website | Etsy | Ravelry Follow her here: Facebook | Instagram | Pinterest | Twitter NEW: See Fiber Doodle by K4TT's Sponsor Spotlight Round Up here!
Forever Stitchin has generously offered 1 individual pattern for MULTIPLE contest winners!
Show your support & find her patterns here: Website | Etsy | Ravelry Follow her here: Facebook | Instagram | Pinterest | Twitter Plus, checkout Forever Stitchin's Friday Feature here!!! NEW: See Forever Stitchin's Sponsor Spotlight Round Up here!
Greybriar Hollow has generously offered 1 individual pattern for ONE contest winner!
Show your support & find her patterns here: Website | Ravelry | Etsy Follow her here: Facebook | Instagram | Twitter NEW: See Greybriar Hollow's Sponsor Spotlight Round Up here!
Lisa Kingsley Designs has generously offered 1 individual pattern for MULTIPLE contest winners!
Show your support & find her patterns here: Ravelry | Etsy Follow her here: Facebook | Instagram | Pinterest | Twitter Plus, checkout Lisa Kingsley Designs' Friday Feature here!!! NEW: See Lisa Kingsley Designs' Sponsor Spotlight Round Up here!
Little Monkeys Design has generously offered a $12 gift card for ONE contest winner!
~this equals 2-3 free patterns~ Show your support & find her patterns here: Website | Blog | Ravelry | Etsy | Craftsy Follow her here: Facebook | Instagram | Pinterest | Ravelry | Twitter | YouTube Plus, checkout Little Monkeys Design's Friday Feature here!!! NEW: See Little Monkeys Design's Sponsor Spotlight Round Up here!
Looping with Love has generously offered 1 individual pattern for MULTIPLE contest winners!
Show your support & find her patterns here: Website | Ravelry | Craftsy Follow her here: Facebook | Google+ | Instagram | Pinterest | Twitter NEW: See Looping with Love's Sponsor Spotlight Round Up here!
Made by Mary has generously offered 1 individual pattern for MULTIPLE contest winners!
Show your support & find her patterns here: Ravelry Follow her here: Facebook | Instagram Plus, checkout Made by Mary's Friday Feature here!!! NEW: See Made by Mary's Sponsor Spotlight Round Up here!
Melissa's Crochet Patterns has generously offered 1 pattern for MULTIPLE contest winners!
Show your support & find her patterns here: Website | Ravelry | Etsy Follow her here: Facebook | Instagram | Pinterest | Twitter Plus, checkout Melissa's Crochet Patterns' Friday Feature here!!! NEW: See Melissa's Crochet Patterns' Sponsor Spotlight Round Up here!
Moji-Moji Designs has generously offered 2 individual patterns for MULTIPLE contest winners!
Show your support & find her patterns here: Website | Ravelry | Etsy | Craftsy Follow her here: Facebook | Instagram | Pinterest | Twitter NEW: See Moji-Moji Designs' Sponsor Spotlight Round Up here!
Neen's Crochet Corner has generously offered 1 individual pattern for MULTIPLE contest winners!
Show your support & find her patterns here: Website | Ravelry Follow her here: Facebook | Instagram | Pinterest NEW: See Neen's Crochet Corner's Sponsor Spotlight Round Up here!
Oombawka Design has generously offered 2 individual patterns for MULTIPLE contest winners!
Show your support & find her patterns here: Website | Ravelry | Etsy | Craftsy Follow her here: Facebook | Google+ | Instagram | Pinterest | Ravelry | Twitter Plus, checkout Oombawka Design's Friday Feature here!!! NEW: See Oombawka Design's Sponsor Spotlight Round Up here!
Same DiNamics Crochet has generously offered 2 specific patterns for MULTIPLE contest winners!
Show your support & find her patterns here: Website | Ravelry Follow her here: Facebook | Google+ | Instagram | Pinterest | Twitter See Same DiNamics Crochet's Sponsor Spotlight Round Up here. Come back to see Same DiNamics Crochet's Friday Feature on December 2nd!!! NEW: See Same DiNamics Crochet's Sponsor Spotlight Round Up here!
Snappy Tots has generously offered 5 individual patterns for MULTIPLE contest winners!
Show your support & find her patterns here: Website | Ravelry | Craftsy Follow her here: Facebook | Instagram | Pinterest | Twitter | YouTube NEW: See Snappy Tots Sponsor Spotlight Round Up here!
The Cheerful Chameleon has generously offered 1 individual pattern for MULTIPLE contest winners!
Show your support & find her patterns here: Ravelry | Etsy Follow her here: Facebook | Instagram | Pinterest | Twitter NEW: See The Cheerful Chameleon's Sponsor Spotlight Round Up here!
Underground Crafter has generously offered 1 individual pattern for MULTIPLE contest winners!
Show your support & find her patterns here: Website | Newsletter | Ravelry Follow her here: Facebook | Instagram | Pinterest | Twitter | YouTube Plus, checkout Underground Crafter's Friday Feature here!!! NEW: See Underground Crafter's Sponsor Spotlight Round Up here!
Are you a crochet blogger, designer, fiber artist? Join my friends and me in celebrating my birthday and our fans by sponsoring a bonus prize to the winner(s)! Contact me to learn more here...
Contest Entry Categories:
Your project entries will fall under one of these three main categories...
Treasured Designs | Inspired Designs | Unique Designs
Treasured Designs are projects made using one of Rebeckah's Treasures' crochet patterns!
Select this category, during your submission, if your project was crocheted from one of my patterns.
Inspired Designs are projects made using ANY other designer's crochet patterns!
Select this category, during your submission, if your project was crocheted from a pattern.
Unique Designs are projects crocheted from your own imagination!
Select this category, during your submission, if you came up with the design for your project.
Rules and Project Entry Guidelines:
Are you ready to join us? Submit up to 3 Crochet Projects TODAY!!!
Please Note: Details relating to your project entry along with your name will be shared on the Meet the Entrants Post, and shared again on the Winner Announcement Post if you are one of the winners.
Your email will not be shared with any other party, unless you are voted as a winner. In this case, your email will only be shared with the sponsor(s) of the extra prizes you are allotted to receive.
Without further ado, here's how to submit your entries...
Step 1: Compose an email to [email protected] from your best email address. Step 2: Type - Fall into Christmas 2016 - into the subject line. Step 3: Attach at least ONE photo of your crochet project to the email - you may attach more than one. Please make sure to submit a good quality photo, where we can see your work clearly. Step 4: Copy the following template into the body of your email and fill it in with your entry details. ------------------------- Entry Template: ------------------------- 1) What is YOUR NAME as you would like it to appear? 2) Please indicate the CATEGORY your project entry falls under - 1-TREASURED | 2-INSPIRED | 3-UNIQUE (if you are uncertain, tell me if you used a crochet pattern or if you designed it yourself). 3) What is the TITLE of your project entry? (it can be whatever you like) 4) Tell us a little bit about your project entry - can be anything you like (for instance, what materials you used, what inspired you, for whom you crocheted your project etc.). 5) Is there a crochet pattern available for your project? 1-YES - please share it here... | 2-NO - will there be one in future? 6) What country (state/province/city) do you call home? *As a top winner, you may be eligible for a physical prize, but only if you are within the sponsor's requested region. Optional Questions (no need to repeat the following questions for your second and third entries): 7) How many years of experience do you have crocheting, or how old where you when you first started to crochet? 8) Why do you love to crochet? ------------------------- Step 5: Press send and await a confirmation email to be sent to you within 72 hours time. This is to verify your entry details and make sure you can receive emails from me. Step 6: Save [email protected] to your address book to ensure my future emails will arrive safely in your inbox. Step 7: Repeat for additional crochet project entries or send all THREE entries in one email - MAXIMUM 3 Entries per contestant - they can be in any category you choose. Step 8: Be on the lookout for the Voting Announcement email on Monday, December 5th.
SUBMISSIONS CLOSE the morning of December 4th, 2016 EST!!!
Be sure to get your entries in on time. If you have any questions, comment below...
Thanks for helping me celebrate my birthday this year. You are amazing!
Remember to share this contest with your friends. The more who enter, the more prizes I can give away and the more exciting this fun crochet contest will be... And, be sure to show your support for each of the sponsors. Check back weekly to see special featurettes for each sponsor and get a preview of prize possibilities... See you again in December for the voting portion of this contest. Have a blessed day!
27% off all patterns in my shop for the duration of the submissions. Use code: 27FALL16 | Shop patterns here! AND, I'll send a free loyalty crochet pattern to anyone who can guess which day in November is my birthday. Correct guessers will receive their prize within a few days after my birthday passes. ~there are numerous hints to the day in this post alone~ If you can also guess my birth year, I'll send you a second free crochet pattern under $2.00! *Comment below with your guesses before my birthday passes... UPDATE - November 11, 2016 - TODAY is my birthday!!! Congrats to everyone who guessed November 11, 1989 - you are correct. Your special prize for guessing correctly will be coming to you this weekend by email. And thank you to all who wished me a happy birthday in advance too! ![]() Hello Visitor and Welcome to Rebeckah's Treasures... I am a Norwegian/Canadian currently studying Midwifery in the UK. I love to crochet! At Rebeckah's Treasures, I share my crochet patterns and treasures. I hope they inspire you to crochet your own little treasures too... ![]()
Hello, my name is Rebeckah.
I hope my crochet inspires you to create your very own treasures! Learn more about me... Categories
October 2021
© 2012-2021 Rebeckah Ferger
All rights reserved. Disclaimer: This website makes use of sponsored and/or affiliate links. Please see this page for more information.