Disclaimer: This website makes use of sponsored and/or affiliate links. Please see this page for more information. Today is a very special day for showing our mothers how much we cherish them. So in honour of my mother, here is a little poem I wrote for her and mothers like her around the world... For all our mothers, brave and true, Loving your dear children like you do. Thru our ups and downs, highs and lows, Your tender loving care always shows. Of all the wise things you did impart, You taught us to follow our hearts. I want to thank you for all you do For we wouldn't be here without you. So, Thank You Mum for giving to me, All I'll ever need to love, be, see. You'll always have a piece of my heart, No matter how far we be apart. Know that I will always cherish you, For ever and ever, through and through. Happy Mother's Day from one so blessed, You most truly are the very best! This poem is dedicated to my mother and all mothers like her who do whatever they can for their children. Thank you mums for being the wonderful people you are!
Please share this poem so all mothers may know how cherished they all are by you. Thank you! ![]() Hello Visitor and Welcome to Rebeckah's Treasures... I am a Norwegian/Canadian currently studying Midwifery in the UK. I love to crochet! At Rebeckah's Treasures, I share my crochet patterns and treasures. I hope they inspire you to crochet your own little treasures too... ![]()
Hello, my name is Rebeckah.
I hope my crochet inspires you to create your very own treasures! Learn more about me... Categories
October 2021
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