Meet Abayomi, an adorable amigurumi lion, who's African name means "bringer of happiness"!
It won't be long before he's bringing happiness to your home because his limbs (arms, legs & tail) and facial features (eyes, ears & muzzle) are attached as you crochet the body and head. Even if you decide you would rather sew those parts on later, he still works up fast due to all the fun tips and suggestions for marking placement.
Safety Eyes *Optional - crochet eyes are included in this pattern, but you are welcome to use safety eyes instead.
Lion Measurements:
Play with your yarn weight and hook size to make all sorts of different sized lions! See approximately how small or big you can make your lion using the following yarns...
Cotton Thread #10 makes a 5" (12 cm) tall lion.
Worsted Weight Yarn makes a 12" (30 cm) tall lion.
*NOTE: These lion sizes are approximates. Your lion height/size may differ depending on your chosen yarn, hook size and tension.
Copyright Disclaimer:
All crochet patterns on this website are copyrighted to Rebeckah Ferger of Rebeckah's Treasures ( These patterns are for personal use only. They may not be copied, altered, or redistributed in any way.
You are more than welcome to sell what you crochet from any of Rebeckah's patterns. If you sell what you make online, please link back to this website and give pattern credit to Rebeckah's Treasures. Thank you!